Göteborg Statsveteri

Workshop om internationella domstolar och nationell politik

Den 12–15 augusti 2014 träffas det nordiska statsvetarförbundet NOPSA till kongress i Göteborg. Tillsammans med Marlene Wind vid Köpenhamns universitet leder jag en workshop om hur internationella domstolar påverkar politiken på nationell nivå. Vi har fortsatt plats för ett par papper i gruppen – men skynda på! Mer information om NOPSA, kongressen och hur du sänder in ett förslag till papper finner du här.

Workshop 24: International courts and domestic politics

Since the establishment of the first permanent international court in 1922, states have created more than a hundred international judicial bodies. The trend toward international judicial institutionalization has accelerated after the end of the Cold War. States have established a cascade of international courts and tribunals, the mandates of which go well beyond peace and arbitration to cover issues as diverse as human rights, atrocities, trade and investment. And new courts are being called for in issue-areas where they do not yet exist, such as the regulation of climate change or transnational corporate wrongdoing. Moreover, in some areas, courts have arguably managed to expand their authority beyond their original mandates, and engage not only in adjudicating, interpreting and monitoring international treaty compliance, but increasingly contribute to the making of law.

From a political science perspective, this development suggests a number of challenging research puzzles, especially as international courts impact on domestic political orders. For instance, how do government, parliaments, national courts, bureaucracies and other sub-state actors and institutions interact with the new authority of international courts? How do domestic agents resist, adapt to, or utilize international judicial institutions? What challenges does this new and expanding international judiciary imply for established national constitutional democratic orders? And what role do international courts play in sustaining and developing the global order and how does this role affect politics and society?

For this workshop, we invite papers that address the impact of international judicial institutions – and the general trend toward international judicialisation – on domestic politics. We welcome papers aimed at empirical explanation or normative assessment, and particularly papers that address the Nordic countries’ experience in a comparative perspective.


Johan Karlsson Schaffer,
Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights,
University of Oslo.


Marlene Wind,
Professor of European politics and Centre Director for Centre for European Politics at the Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Copenhagen.

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